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[E] Xarahe
[E] Xarahe
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over 12 years ago
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over 11 years ago
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I logged in this evening (21:40 UK Time) to see a death screen - You are dead - the message in chat said something about my hom bed being obstructed. I don't know exactly because it has since scrolled off the screen. I logged out at /home last night, healthy if hungry, with a full inventory. anyone have any insight into what happened?
over 12 years ago
in fact the axe is from a kit, I'd never make a wooden axe, I have my pride
over 12 years ago
the axe is incidental to this screengrab. I've never used any axe in truth
over 12 years ago
so right click on an oven to use, but no longer. pictured below is what has been happening on and off the last 48hrs when trying tto use something. shop, furnace, crafting table, boat, whatever:
over 12 years ago
you know I can't even remember also.is.your.spacebar.broken?
over 12 years ago